Dear user of,
Your email account was used to send a large amount of spam during the recent week.
We suspect that your computer had been infected and now contains a hidden proxy server.
Please follow the instructions in order to keep your computer safe.
Have a nice day, technical support team.
Dear support team of,
You are a fictional entity perhaps indicative of a personality split and/or
disorder of self perception. I suspect you have generated a story about
compromised computers as a way to confront your mentally fragmented
state without suffering a complete collapse of cognitive ability.
Please reevaluate your reality in order to correct your delusions.
Have a nice day, actual owner/administrator.
"Remember, I am not just a client, I am also the president!"
P.S. Thank you for the attached copy of MyDoom-O.
I appreciate your efforts at providing me with up to date software.